Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Tuesday thoughts

This just annoys the heck out of me. How low can you go? Lousy thieves.
I thought about voting today, but all of the Coralville City Councilors are running unopposed. The only reason to vote would be to change the current City of Coralville Library Ordinance:

22.03 QUALIFICATIONS OF TRUSTEES. All members of the board shall be bona fide citizens and residents of the City. Members shall be over the age of eighteen (18) years.

to include one member from unincorporated Johnson County. Which seems like a good idea to me, but you know, I don't care enough to actually take my two rambunctious children to the voting booth.
There's an interesting vote going on in University Heights, the tiny little town that ought to just be annexed into Iowa City and is known mostly for the fact that it's one long speed trap. Currently University Heightsers have to buy an Iowa City library card for a one time fee of $100. However, the library is going to discontinue that policy if the UHers don't pass this bond:

“Shall the City of University Heights, Iowa levy a tax not to exceed 27 cents per thousand dollars of valuation for support of a public library,with the levy to expire after five years on June 30,2011?”

So if it doesn't pass, residents of University Heights won't be able to get library cards. Can you imagine being cut off from the library?
Fortinbras got a good review. The reviewer was absolutely right about the strong cast.
This is funny. And strange. And James ought to appreciate it with his recent panda posts.


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