Saturday, November 05, 2005

Wow, that's a funny show

I saw Fortinbras tonight and I can't remember the last time I'd laughed so much in a single evening. The actors are alll excellent, especially Chuck Dufano as Osric and Greg Aldrich as Horatio. And Bill Gerlits is Polonius! I just feel damn proud to have Bill on Dreamwell's stage. Bill's been doing theater in Iowa City forever. He's a living legend, really. I was lucky enough to work with him in Barefoot in the Park many years ago. He played the telephone repair man. It's a small part with huge laughs and Bill got every one.

Truly, it's a show you cannot miss if you're in the area. And since we for all intents and purposes sold out opening night, I recommend getting a reservation through the website or by calling 319-541-0140. Usually our audiences get larger each weekend but they can't get too much larger than opening night.

Oh and because I am sure you're wondering... the sword fight was excellent.


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