Monday, June 19, 2006


I am an uncle again. I love being an uncle - it's a great job. What's especially exciting about this newest niece of mine is that she's the first on Sharon's side of the family. She is a big baby - nearly eleven pounds! - but I am reminded how Sammi started out pretty big and ended up being a little on the small side, so you just never know how it'll all turn out. I can't wait to meet her but it sounds like I'll have to wait as there's a no-kid-under-ten rule in place in the household. That means Sharon will go by herself on the out of state trip while I stay home with the two under-tenners in this house. Hopefully, my sister and brother in law will come to Iowa for a visit before too long. I know Rachel wants to meet her cousin. Sammi would probably be excited to see someone smaller than she is, too.


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