Friday, June 02, 2006

Dancin' on the ceiling

I haven't posted for a while because I am suffering from brain lock. I have too many subjects I want to write about. Stuff like Iran and the war on "terror" and the search of Congressman's office and much more. But I am overwhelmed by all these serious topics so I am going to ease back into blogging after my brief hiatus by writing about getting old.

My brother turned 40 last week. I have two other brothers who are into their 40s, but this brother is only five years older than I am. Which means 40 is not that far away for me, too. Honestly though I think it’s going to be easier to accept 40 than it was to accept 30. I went kicking and fighting into my thirties, but my forties… Well, I am feeling much more satisfied with what I’ve accomplished in my life so far. That was the issue with turning 30. I kept saying, “I’m turning 30 and I haven’t done half of things I want to do!” I’m enjoying my 30s a lot. Sharon and I very happy together… I have two great kids… there’s the Dreamwell accomplishments… I hike the Appalachian Trail every year for a week… I have a job I enjoy. So yeah, forty. No big deal.

We’re heading to Chicago this weekend for my brother’s big birthday bash. It’s apparently 80s themed and we’re supposed to wear appropriate clothing. I don’t think a lot of people are going to be doing that. Sharon is talking about doing 80s makeup. I told her she needed to do one of those ridiculous big hair bangs that girls had when I was in high school. She said she couldn’t figure out how to do that when she was in high school. At least she doesn’t have any embarrassing big hair photos floating around. I, on the other hand, have my junior year picture. My hair was combed up in a spikey fashion and, well, it was the only time in my life that I actually hit 6 feet tall.


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