Monday, June 05, 2006

Lots of random political thoughts

I will admit before this post even gets started that I am not delving deeply into any of these issues. These are just some thoughts that are floating around and I want to get 'em down.

So, about this congressman whose office was raided by the FBI. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that THIS is the issue the Dems and Republicans can agree upon. And I think the Congress's position about how it's a violation of separation of powers is bogus, too. Why? Because they had a warrant. Which means both the executive branch and the judicial branch were involved in this. Checks and balances, people. Both parties of Congress are really annoying me on this issue. They are more willing to look the other way or make weak, ineffectual protests when the executive branch okays torture, taps international phone calls, get phone records of domestic calls, and who knows what else... until it affects them directly. Hypocrites.

About Iran... looking at from an Iranian's point of view, of course they want nuclear weapons. If I were Iranian, I'd want my country to get 'em too. Of course, from our point of view, we have to do everything possible to stop them from acquiring them, because, well, their leader has said he'd like to see another country wiped off the map. And that doesn't show a stable government capable of possessing nuclear weapons. So I guess my point is... we can't really blame the Iranians for wanting them or working to get them, but we still have to do what we can to stop them.

I just read today that Bush is going to push for a screw-you-gay-people ammendment. It has no chance of passing, thank God, but it just perfectly demonstrates what a jerk Bush is.

And now onto state politics. I am voting for Ed Fallon on Tuesday. I've met Ed, he's a reasonable guy, has a strong affinity for the arts, is going to work for election reform, and well, he seems like the outsider of the Democratic party and, not being a big fan of the party, I like that. I am certain I don't want frontrunner Chet Culver to win. Come on, the guy's name is Chet. What kind of name is that? Is it short for Chester? Blouin is popular where I work as he used to be an administrator here. I don't know too much about him, but I'll take a Mike over a Chet any day. And there's a glimpse into my political decision making process.


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