Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Star Trek is here!

So my Dad's colonoscopy showed nothing. Which is good and bad. We'd like to know what is wrong with him. You don't lose that much blood without something going on. Tomorrow they're going to perform a new test. I am kind of blown away by it. Apparently, Dad will swallow a pill. Inside of the pill is a camera. The camera will take pictures of his insides and then send those pictures to some sort of receiver/computer thing. I have no idea what happens to the camera. I assume it leaves the body in the way you'd expect. I doubt they're reusable...

Anyway, I had no idea our medical technology had progressed so far! Soon we'll have those things Dr. McCoy used to pass over a red shirt's leg and heal his bones. Or maybe that was the blue shirts. The red shirts always died, right?


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