Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Iowan on Survivor!

There's an Iowan on Survivor for the first time. The cast hasn't been announced officially yet, but the spoilers on the internet have figured out all 18 (yes, 18 just like All Stars) names. One of them, Rory Freeman, is a 35 year old African American from Des Moines, Iowa. He used to work for Employee & Family Resources. He's married to Simone, who works for a school. Anyone know anything else about this guy? Let me know!

It's about time an Iowan got on Survivor. The fact that he's African American is pretty cool, too. At least this way we won't show the world a stereotypical Iowan - white, conservative corn farmer and rube.

Go Rory! Bring home the million!


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