Wednesday, September 08, 2004

In the moment

As I've mentioned, I'm playing Williamson in Dreamwell Theatre's production of Glengarry Glen Ross. It's a great part and I am enjoying being the asshole. Last night we had our first dress rehearsal and for the first time, I felt like I was hitting it. The last scene, the climax of the play, is my favorite moment of the play. I show just how much of a bastard I can be.

Favorite lines:

"I don't care. You understand? Where are the leads!?"

"Fuck you."

Fuck is a favorite word of mine. And that fuck you is my last line in the play. I have said it so many different ways in rehearsal - angry, sad, disgusted, perfectly calm. I think I am going with disgusted. We'll see.

It's going to be an excellent show, no doubt about it. We've assembled some of Iowa City's best actors - Matt Brewbaker, Chuck Dufano, Adam Fauser, Gerry Roe, Dan Fairchild. Only Michael Connell is new to the stage and he's got a good handle on the Chicago cop. So yeah, if you're in Iowa City this weekend or next, check it out. All the details are at Dreamwell's website.


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Location: Coralville, IA
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