Friday, October 08, 2004

America, land of the free... unless you're reading the wrong books

I was visiting The Volokh Conspiracy and discovered a link to other blogs that are talking about this story.

Basically, someone wrote a bin Laden quote in the margin of this book: "Let history be witness I am a criminal." Someone alerted the FBI who got a subpoena which ordered the library to turn over the circulation records for the book. The library fought the order in court and the FBI backed down.

The scariest part of the article is this sentence:
If the feds had demanded the records under the Patriot Act, the library would have had to hand them over without question and without help from the courts. (emphasis mine)
This is one reason why the Patriot Act needs to be changed. I for one would like to live in a country where I have the freedom to read whatever I want without having to answer to the government.


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