Bush hearing voices?
Was someone else debating Kerry last week? Check out this blog for the theory that Bush was actually wired and someone was feeding him his responses in the debate.
All I know is whoever is telling Bush what to say is doing a really bad job. Maybe it's Jeb.
I do believe the big difference is that there are pictures of Kerry taking something out of his pocket at the debate and no picture exists of an earpiece in Bush's ear at the debate.
Go back to the root of Matt's post at counterpunch. The entire basis of the argument is "The theory is that Karl Rove and his minions gave their incoherent and intellectually-challenged candidate a secret little earplug connected to a wireless receiver, so that he could be provided with answers and clever punch lines when he heard a question and came up empty."
The THEORY is that Kerry supporters can't find a way to attack Bush and so resort to making stuff up. See Dan Rather for details. It’s a favorite tactic when facts and history are not on your side of the argument.
On an aside, if Bush is so intellectually challenged and incoherent, why are they so worried? Why is that a stock response to people they don’t like? The same was said of Reagan while he was winning the Cold War and moving the economy out of recession by lowering taxes. If winning wars, lowering taxes and raising peoples’ standards of living is “incoherent and intellectually challenged” then I’d hate to see what kind of world Dave Lindorff wants to live in.
Cross-posted on Theatre Tenor.
I think it's probably pretty unlikely that Bush is wired. Interesting story though.
"On an aside, if Bush is so intellectually challenged and incoherent, why are they so worried? "
Because there are lots of people out there who are willing to vote him in again and give us four more years of an intellectually challenged leader of the free world. Not to mention the obfuscation and at times outright lying.
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