Twisted Survivors
The tribes get twisted as I mentioned last night. There are vidcaps from the web promo that give us some clues as to who ends up on Lopevi (red) and who ends up on Yasur (yellow). Thanks for the vidcaps to Survivor Fever, in my opinion the best Survivor website out there .

Twila and Sarge at on Lopevi after the twist.

Ami, Eliza, Lisa, and Leann stay at Yasur.

This one is a little bit tricky. It's a distant shot of Lisa, Eliza and Leann from the previous vidcap. But who are the other people? Based on what I think looks like a lot of hair when he dives, the guy in the water is Chris. He's got a red buff, so he's still at Lopevi. Now we just need to figure out Sitting Woman and Beer Gut Man (outlined in red below).
Sitting woman could be Scout or Julie. I am guessing Julie since they'd probably sit Scout out of a deep diving challenge. But it's hard to tell. Beer gut man could Travis, Rory or Chad. The guy has hair, so it's not Chad. The guy's skin is dark, so I'm guessing that he's Rory and not Travis.
So far we have:
Yasur: Ami, Lisa, Eliza, Leann and Rory.
Lopevi: Sarge, Chris, Twila
Uncertain: John K., Travis, Chad, Scout, and Julie.
So let's think about this. What other clues do we have? In the preview we have the native saying "One chief." to each tribe. Sounds to me like each tribe chooses someone to be their chief. That person is probably responsible for new tribe breakdowns in some way. This image tells us that Sarge is the chief for the men since he's wearing the tribal necklace and carrying the Horgon.

Who is the chief for the women? Ami seems like a logical choice, but we can't be sure.
So do the chiefs pick all new tribes? Or do they just choose one person from their tribe to go to the other tribe? Could be the latter since so far we're only certain of two people switching - Rory and Twila. And coincidentally, those two are on the outs with their tribes. It would make sense for Sarge to send Rory to the women's tribe. It would also make sense for Ami to send Twila, especially if you listen to the Survivor Insider from the last episode where it became clear that Ami's comments at the last Tribal Council really upset Twila.
So maybe this is a pick one person to go to the other tribe kind of twist.
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