Wednesday, November 17, 2004

4 Years

Rachel turns four years old tomorrow. I can't believe how fast the last four years have gone. She's so big - not a baby, nor a toddler, but a regular little girl. She's smart, stubborn, funny, cute, and loves Hungry, Hungry Hippos. And her hair is short! I convinced Sharon that a bob was the way to go. Rachel looks very cute and a little older, I think.

We're going to Build-a-Bear for her birthday and then it's off to Tjark's Jungle with her best friend, Kate. She wants to eat at Arbys for dinner. It's her favorite restaurant. Seriously. I don't know where she gets that from...

Should be a fun day tomorrow.


At 12:15 PM, November 18, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope she has a great birthday.
I am amazed that my little turkey is already almost 1 & 1/2. They do grow unbelievebly quickly. Just when you though time is crawling along, barely going fast enough to keep you entertained, suddenly you have kids and there is a massive flux in the space time continuum and time speeds up to an uncontrollable lick and nothing you can do can ever slow it down again.



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