Friday, November 19, 2004

Animal terrorists

Seashore Hall was vandalized last weekend. Animals were released, computers destroyed, much research was lost. Apparently, animal terrorists are to blame.

I had never heard of the Animal Liberation Front. Here's a site that explains their purpose.

They stress that are not supposed to harm anyone. They also think it's perfectly okay to destroy property. In general, I agree that you don't want to hurt animals. However, in the case of scientific experiments that could lead to curing diseases, for instance, I can accept that some animals will be harmed or killed. I'll tell you what I cannot accept - terrorism in any form. And that's what this is. Sure, ALF isn't killing people, but they are destroying people's work. I am involved in an experiment that has nothing to do with animals. I was supposed to go to Seashore to participate, but then the vandals struck and I was rescheduled. The people working this experiment lost time, work, and facilities because of these stupid vandals. That's one of the problems with working outside the law - the innocent often suffer too. You want to change things, work within the law. Fight for animal rights, if you are passionate about it. But don't degrade your cause by becoming a criminal.


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