Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Blogging the election

So far everything is falling as expected. Of those that have been decided, every Gore state is a Kerry state. Every Bush state is a Bush state.

I let out a sigh of relief when Pennsylvania went for Kerry. Thank God. I was worried there. We need Florida and Ohio. Things sound bad for Florida. Apparently, some of the polls are still open in Ohio because of huge voter turnout. A huge turnout seems like it'd be good for Kerry. I hope.

As I sit here watching CNN, flipping to channel 2, sometimes hitting channel 7... I am just worried. Worried that we'll have to endure four more years of Bush's policies. Worried that I will be in the minority of this country politically. I am just confused that anyone could support Bush after the last four years. And if more people in this country vote for him than for John Kerry, I will be just... depressed. Never has an election had such an effect on me. I have been interested in the past, but this year I am glued to the TV. I feel that the next four years will be a time of great upheavel and stress for our country. I know this not a shock to anyone. I am babbling in my blog. That's pretty bad.

Current electoral vote count:
Bush: 197
Kerry: 188


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