Ahh, Christmas
We had a wonderful Christmas. Watching Rachel open Christmas presents was probably my favorite event of the year. Well, okay after Sami's birth. She was so excited about Santa Claus and practically pushed me out of the room on Christmas Eve so she could go right to sleep and wake up and see her presents. I remember as a kid thinking how unlucky my parents were because they didn't get lots of cool presents like I did. Slippers, golf balls, and the like. But I realize now, as a parent, that the real gift of Christmas is basking in the joy of my kids on Christmas morning. That's far better than any present I could get.
However, I did get an absolutely killer gift from my wonderful wife. It's a game controller that hooks into your TV. Inside the controller are over 200 old video games! Pac Man, Galaga, Dig Dug, Mario Brothers, Super Mario Brothers, Tetris, and best of all....

Remember that game? Where you rode an ostrich and hand to lance the bad guys and turn them into eggs? I think I talked about in a post a while back but a quick search shows nothing!
Here's a screen shot to help your memory:

I love Joust. I am terrible at it, but I love it! And I also love Mario Brothers, the original, not the super version. I used to play that in game at a little place called Nino's Pizza with my brother John and my friend, Paycjeck. In the two player version, you worked as a team to clear the sewers of the lobsters and turtles and whatnot. I've always liked the team games more than the competitive ones.
Here's a screenshot from that game:

There are a million other games too. I've been spending far too much time in front of the TV the last couple of days.
The perfect gift for me! Thanks, love!
We actually played with one of those at the mall a few weeks ago while it took the lady over two and a half hours to change our cell phones to local numbers. I played me some Joust, yo!
I'm just barely old enough to be down with all the old Atari/Intellivision/NES games. Pit Fall is probably my favorite. That and the Tron games. Lode Runner was pretty boss, too.
I'm a huge video game fan. I have 12 different systems, handheld and the like.
Got to give some love to anything mario and frogger and Contra...old school games are great. I have one of those things you're talking about Matt.
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