Thursday, December 16, 2004


Apparently my soul is a warrior. I hope that's true because I am going to need it after today's events. I can get into specifics unfortunately, but suffice it to say that the next two years of my perfectly planned project have been blown apart. Sometimes it seems like everytime I have everything all figured out something happens to change it. I am sick to death of rolling with the punches, taking one step forward and two steps back, and... getting mired in tired old cliches. I want action and I want it now, and dammit I had a plan. A good solid plan.

The worst part of a day like today is trying not to let my bad mood affect the kids. It doesn't help when Rachel doesn't nap and consequently is grumpy.

I need some jokes. Anybody got a good one?


At 4:37 PM, December 16, 2004, Blogger Dweeze said...

Don't really have a joke for you right now, but if you need to talk to someone, give a call. I should be home in about an hour or so.

At 4:41 PM, December 16, 2004, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear about your project.

Anyway, I have a joke, but it's a groaner more than a laugher.

Guy walks into a bar with a duck under his arm. He sits on a barstool, and places the duck on an adjacent stool. Barkeep comes up, and says, "Hey, what's with the pig?"

"What are you, dense?" the man replies indignantly. "This is a duck."

Barkeep replies, "I was talking to the duck."

Ba DUM dum.

Sorry. :)

At 4:44 PM, December 16, 2004, Blogger Matt said...


I liked that joke, J.

And thanks, Dweeze.

At 9:37 AM, December 17, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do a lot of restaurants serve eggs benedict on hubcaps around Christmastime?

Because there's no plate like chrome for the hollandaise!


At 11:58 AM, December 17, 2004, Blogger Bob said...

Here's a corny one( I love corn!)
Guy walks into a bar
He says "Ouch".


At 3:23 PM, December 17, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

Thanks, Dieter and stef.

At 1:10 AM, December 20, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knock knock

Who's there?


Amos who?

A mosquito bit me.

You know whom.

At 9:59 AM, December 22, 2004, Blogger Pamela said...

Life is tough. Sorry, I don't have a joke. For me, it helps to escape into a book or music. Was this a work project or a home project that collapsed?


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