Monday, December 13, 2004

Congrats, Chris

Well, my prediction was correct. I think this the first time I've gotten the entire Final Four correct in... I don't know how many seasons. And no sources! Woo hoo!

I gotta say, I would have been happy with either Twila or Chris winning. Scout, not so much. She just wasn't physically capable of playing the game at the same level as everyone else. The physical side isn't a huge component in my mind, but no one in nine seasons has that terrible at the physical side of things. I would never have voted for Scout to win had she made it to the Final 2. Poor Eliza. She said in he last confessional that she was completely alone out there - not one person was ever truly allied with her. And that's absolutely correct. There was not one person who wanted to be at the end with Eliza.

But back to Chris. He played an incredible game after his huge mistake (along with the other men) of trusting Julie and Twila right after the merge. Fortunately, he was able to appear weaker physically than a one legged man and also was able to work the social game well enough to stick around. And then he played the game masterfully. Took advantage of the crack in the women's alliance. Made what seemed like rock solid alliances with everyone so no one wanted to get rid of him. And he won the last two immunity challenges, guaranteeing himself a spot at the end. He did make mistakes though. He overplayed his hand with Julie and Eliza and almost lost their votes. Fortunately, he pulled off the BEST jury performance of any season. No one played the jury better than Chris. Not Sandra, not Amber, not Jenna, not Brian (although he was good), not Ethan, not Tina, and not even Richard Hatch. Chris said exactly what each person needed to here. And even after Scout called him out on the bullshit, he recovered beautifully with his final statement. Twila, on the other hand, was terrible at the jury part. Of course, I admire her for being herself and speaking truthfully, and she did do such a good job on her final statement that I thought she had a chance, but you just can't win the whole game without buttering up the jury.

Overall, I really enjoyed this season. Apparently the next season will have 20 contestants. They'd better do a two hour premiere or we'll never learn who everyone is by the first Tribal Council. There's supposed to be some huge twist in the first ten minutes that will completely shake up the castaways. I am guessing one huge tribe for the first few episodes and then they break into smaller tribes.


At 2:38 PM, December 13, 2004, Blogger Lars said...

I can't believe he won.

I missed a bunch of the middle episodes, but I watched the first lot of them and then the last couple and he should have been out in the very FIRST episode...did he do anything throughout the show at all or just hang back and shut up? Like I said, I missed a bunch of episodes...

At 3:29 PM, December 22, 2004, Blogger Christian D. said...

I'm guessing the same thing. Start out as one large tribe, but I think they'll stay that way. Will be more infighting that way...which equals more people watching.

Missed some episodes on this last one and could have cared less.


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