Odds and Ends
I really have to get this book. Sharon will probably get it for Christmas and I'll have to wait til she finishes it. Fortunately, she's a speedy reader.
I watched My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss last night. What a train wreck. It looks like the sort of show that you just have to catch the finale so you can see the mediawhores explode after they discover they've been had. Everything leading up to that moment is pretty much just dreck. Not the finale isn't dreck; it is, but it's also entertaining dreck.
Still really into Lost. I finally caught the most recent episode yesterday. My local ABC affiliate pre-empted it because of an Iowa basketball game. Argh.
Bears won yesterday! Woo hoo!
Wasn't there some other TV show that I cared about....? Oh, yeah, Survivor. We're down to five and only two episodes remaining. Ami was sent packing last week, thank God.

She was the biggest bitch on Survivor and not in a good way. She was a sexist pig, with one goal - get rid of the men. But then she couldn't even stick with that plan and decided to betray one of her own instead. After that plan backfired, Ami threw a guilt trip at the person she tried to betray. Although Eliza seemed to fall for it, she decided to not let it affect her strategy and Ami became the next loser lodger. After being voted out, Ami had the gall to say:
My integrity is still complete, and I can't say that for all the people on the tribe still.Honey, you got no integrity. Get thee to a nunnery.
So who's left?
There's the iron clad alliance of Scout and Twila.

Chris, the only man still standing.

Eliza, the potential swing vote.

And Julie, who is next on the chopping block.

If all goes according to plan, Julie will be the next to go. It's definitely the best move for Scout and Twila. Eliza, on the other hand, should try to make a move to break up the last alliance in the game. If she convinces Chris to vote out Twila, she'd be in a better situation. At the Final Four, it'd be easy for Scout and Twila to convince Chris to vote against Eliza because that'd put Chris in the Final three with two people he could probably beat in an immunity challenge. In a Scout, Julie, Chris, Eliza Final Four, Eliza has more options. However, Chris is a smart player and will probably not go for it. Which means Julie is the next to go. Plus, there's a lot of misdirection in the previews that points to Twila going home, so she's probably safe. Sorry, Julie.
Check back on Friday for my prediction of the Final episode.
I keep thinking I should be watching Lost, but I feel at this point I would be coming in too late. Now I know how people who didn’t watch 24 from the start felt. If ABC does a marathon at some point, I’ll probably try to get caught up – otherwise, do you think it would be worth watching without having seen it from the start?
It would be harder to watch without seeing the beginning, I don't know if it is possible since you've missed SO much backstory.
I do know they are re-showing the pilot, not this week, but the next. So try to catch that, then maybe there will be more back episodes. However, my TiVo only shows 2 weeks worth of programming, so that's all I know for now!
Damn good show though
If it were me, I'd watch it even if I missed all the episodes so far. It's really good and not to be missed. You can catch up on what has happened so far by reading the various websites. I say give it a shot.
I think you'll enjoy "America (The Book)." It's really funny! I haven't finished it yet, but that which I have read is good.
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