Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Gimme some fresh barramundi!

This website lists the Top 50 Things You Should Eat Before You Die.

1. Fresh fish - I have eaten fresh fish caught in a little lake in Michigan. My dad or brother (can't remember) cleaned it and cooked it over an open flame.
2. Lobster - I love lobster. One of my favorites.
3. Steak - I am not a huge steak fan, but I enjoy it if it's bloody.
4. Thai food - Nope.
5. Chinese food - Not really.
6. Ice cream - Chocolate is my favorite.
7. Pizza - I lived on pizza in college. Jesus, didn't everyone? (Name the movie reference!)
8. Crab - Never had it.
9. Curry - I have had curry. It's not bad.
10. Prawns - Nope.
11. Moreton Bay Bugs
- Never heard of 'em.
12. Clam chowder - Never had it and don't think I'd like it. It has hot milk involved, right? That's gross to me.
13. Barbecues - I love BBQ. LOVE IT.
14. Pancakes - My mom makes great pancakes. They're actually better if you let the batter sit for a day. Then the pancakes are thinner and to my mouth, more tasty.
15. Pasta - I live on pasta. I had homemade ravioli for Christmas this year and I have decided I need to make my own pasta more often. And more often won't be hard, since I've never done it before.
16. Mussels - Nope. They look gross to me.
17. Cheesecake - I love cheesecake. My friend Paycjeck ate Eli's Cheesecake with Arby's sauce once. He said it was good. I think he was just saying that.
18. Lamb - I don't think I've ever had lamb.
19. Cream tea - Never had it.
20. Alligator - I think we had this New Orleans. Sharon, remind me, would you?
21. Oysters - see mussels.
22. Kangaroo - I have had kangaroo and despite the guilty feelings (Baby Roo!), I loved it.
23. Chocolate - Um. Come on. Who doesn't like chocolate?
24. Sandwiches - I eat a sandwich almost every day.
25. Greek food - Flaming cheese!
26. Burgers - Burgers are a staple in my diet.
27. Mexican food - It's okay. Not my favorite. I love fajitas, though.
28. Squid - I love calamari, which is fried squid.
29. American diner breakfast - I think I've had what qualifies as that.
30. Salmon - I love salmon.
31. Venison - I don't think so.
32. Guinea pig - Um, no. People eat guinea pigs? I thought they were furry little pets.
33. Shark - Nope.
34. Sushi - No, I refuse. Please apply flame to my food.
35. Paella - Nope.
36. Barramundi - Nope.
37. Reindeer - Ack! No!
38. Kebab - as in shish? Sure.
39. Scallops - No.
40. Australian meat pie - No, and it doesn't sound appetizing.
41. Mango - No.
42. Durian fruit - No.
43. Octopus - No
44. Ribs - Love ribs.
45. Roast beef - One of my all time favorites. Think Arbys.
46. Tapas - Nope.
47. Jerk chicken/pork - Maybe. Not sure.
48. Haggis - No!
49. Caviar - Yes, not sure what the big deal is. Tastes salty.
50. Cornish pasty - Nope.

My biggest issue with this list is that they lump all the pasta together. Lasagna and ravioli both deserved spots on this list. Or, if you don't want to go with individual dishes, how about ricotta cheese? It deserves a spot.


At 12:00 PM, December 29, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Matt S here)

Nobody asked, but...

6, 7, 14, 15, 23-27, 29, 34, 38

10, 16, 48 (organ meat is gross)

At 12:11 PM, December 29, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

I am now officially asking. What does everyone else like?

Thanks for reminding me of the foods I've eaten and forgotten, Sharon. And let's make that first tapas recipe you mentioned!

At 12:42 PM, December 29, 2004, Blogger greenman said...

Prawns are really shrimp,

Haggis is actually quite good,

and I'm taking a wild guess that you have a pretty dare I say "bland" diet?

At 1:12 PM, December 29, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have eaten lobster, mussels, crab (in cakes, in Virginia), clam chowder, mussels, oysters, scallops. Don't really care for any of them.

Have eaten squid, and don't think I cared for it, either. It was part of a buffet at a Korean restaurant, and it was *really* hot -- so hot that my face turned red and I was gasping for air, and people (a large roomful of Koreans) were laughing at me. You think that face-turning-red thing is a myth. It is not. Have been afraid of trying squid again.

Have no idea what Moreton Bay Bugs are. Have not had cream tea, but is likely I'd love it (since it seems to combine tea and dairy). Lamb, prepared properly, is good. Had lamb chops at a restaurant for my birthday both this year and last. Alligator: they used to serve it at the Old Depot in Adel as an appetizer. Does not taste like chicken. Tastes like shrimp.

Have not had: kangaroo, guinea pig (my best friend would kill me), reindeer, octopus, shark (bad! mercury!), caviar (yeah, like I know anyone that rich), Cornish pasty or Australian meat pie. Do other countries' meat pies count, though? 'Cause I have eaten a French and an English one.

Speaking of the Brits: Haggis. Shudder. My boss (who is of Scottish extraction) says Scottish food was created on a dare. I once watched a cooking show with those two British ladies. Can't remember what they were cooking, but it started out OK -- and then it was like watching a slow-motion horror movie to see how they utterly destroyed food.

Durian fruit: have possibly eaten among breakfast fruit choices in Thailand. Hard to tell.

Thai food. Mexican food. Greek food (pumpkin dumplings!). Chinese food. Indian food. Mmm. You guys are weirdos for refusing to even try it.

Have also had venison sausage and...

....bear meat (in chili), grouse, pheasant, snails (somewhat spicy), frogs' legs (really not worth it for what you get. You have to pick the bones out of the breading, so just go with French fries instead).


At 1:32 PM, December 29, 2004, Blogger Dweeze said...

Yes – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35, 37, 38, 39, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50

No, but I’ve had the chance – 16, 21, 33, 34, 43, 49

No, but I haven’t had the chance – 11, 19, 20, 22, 32, 36, 40, 42, 48

At 1:59 PM, December 29, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sharon: Brian and Nu had escargot at their wedding, not caviar. (Hence the appearance of snails on my list.)

At 2:30 PM, December 29, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

greenman, I don't think I have a bland diet at all. Because I don't like asian food or mexican food does not mean I just eat bland stuff. BBQ sauce is not bland, meat is not bland, lord knows the various sauces one puts on pasts are not bland.

At 3:55 PM, December 29, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kimber here ...

I didn't see peanut butter on that list.

Matt and I are idealogical food twins. The only changes I would make to his list is that I don't eat shellfish (allergic) or squid (icky looking). Caviar, however, is DA BOMB.


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