Monday, January 10, 2005

Hours 1 and 2

You ever watch a TV show standing up, hopping from one foot to the other in nervous excitement, and shouting at the screen things like "Run away! RUN AWAAAAAYYY!"?

That's what watching 24 is like for me.

The fourth season premiered last night. They've created an extremely scary terrorist family living in the United States. The father (Navi) is a somewhat typical terrorist, but he may just seem that way because terrorists are almost always portrayed as men. Navi's wife, played by Osca nominee Shohreh Aghdashloo, is a more chilling character. And rumor has it she gets even more chilling in tonight's episodes. Finally, their 15 year old son Behrooz is clearly going to be the character with the most interesting story arc. He's part of their terrorist plans, but his interest in an American girl named Debbie is creating tension with his parents. At the end of last night's episode, Navi orders Behrooz to call Debbie and invite her to their house. Because she saw Behrooz outside the secret terrorist compound, Navi sees her as a danger to their plans. Behrooz is clearly torn because he is afraid of what his father with do to Debbie.

Prediction: Behrooz flees with Debbie and eventually ends up helping Jack and company take down the terrorists. Although, knowing 24, it won't be that simple.

So far Jack's character is still interesting as despite his protestations he's torn between his old life (CTU field work) and his new life (his girlfriend and much less dangerous job working for the Secretary of Defense). When the Secretary of Defense and the girlfriend (who is also the Secretary of Defense's daughter) are kidnapped. Jack's forced back to the life that you pretty much think he wants anyway - field work. Tracking down the bad guys. The turning point of the season, in my opinion, will come at the point when the Secretary of Defense and the girlfriend are rescued. That won't be the end of the threat (on 24, the first crisis is just the beginning) and Jack will have to decide to continue to fight the bad guys or retreat with the girlfriend to the sideline.

Jack Bauer doesn't retreat.

Quick Thoughts:

So far the girlfriend character isn't that interesting, but William Devane's Secretary of Defense is worth watching.

I don't like the new head of CTU. She's not only a bitch, but she's pretty boring.

I am glad Chloe is back. She's a great character.


At 1:34 PM, January 10, 2005, Blogger Dweeze said...

Loved it. Thought it was a much better start than last year. I really liked the two hours last night, two hours tonight.

At 1:06 PM, January 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daryl got me hooked on 24 and I'm loving it. I always watched two or three episodes from the past years and was always too scared to continue, but now I'm just trying to be tougher! My prediction is that the son of Secretary of Defense and the schizo daughter of new CTU head lady get together and break out of CTU. Wasn't it a chilling moment when Behrooz's mother tells him she's disappointed in him for not killing his girlfriend...freakishly non-maternal.


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