Most Beautiful Woman?
Apparently, the world has picked the most beautiful woman. Aishwarya Rai is beautiful; there's no doubt about that. Here's a picture of her:

But the most beautiful in the world? How does one get such a title? Beauty is such a nebulous quality because it so often involves emotions. When you love someone, that person is beautiful to you. If we separate out all feelings and just judge people on physical beauty... that seems hollow. When I was a teenage, my friends and I came up with two methods of, um, judging women's beauty. (This is embarrassing, but I'm going to forge ahead and hope that all of my readers have similarly embarrassing memories from their hormone filled teenagerhoods.) Anyway, my friend believed wholeheartedly in the Body-Face method because he believed it was objective. You rate a girl (we were in high school, remember) 1-9 on her body and 1-9 on her face. So a girl of truly staggering beauty got a 99. I was an advocate of the Cute-Hot method. It's basically the same thing, but you rate someone based on her "cuteness" and her "hotness". 99 is still the high score. My friend and I had long discussions about which method was better. I argued that the cute-hot scale was better because it allowed you to rate a girl who wasn't necessarily beautiful by "normal" standards higher if she was really cute. And I tended to like the cute girls, so this made sense to me. My friend believed that cuteness could not be objectively rated because it involved emotions. It was too subjective. Back and forth we argued and never stopped to wonder why we didn't have that many dates. Anyway, my point is I believe that beauty is too subjective a quality to be graded. I think we only need one person to think we're beautiful for it to be true. And here's the shocker - that person can be yourself.
I made a long post in my LJ a while back about my rating system, but I can't find it to provide the link for you. But to sum it up, I call it "Dieter's Triangle of Attractiveness". It's not really a measure of how attractive a woman is, but more a measure of what type of attractiveness she has. You have a triangle. One corner is labeled "sexy", one corner is labeled "cute", and the last corner is labeled "beautiful". A woman who possesses only one type of attractiveness would fall right in that corner. Many women possess varying measures of two types of attractiveness and fall somewhere on the edge of the triangle. A rare woman with all three moves toward the center of the triangle.
Wish I could the post I made, darnit. I said it all so much better there.
Interesting ideas...I hold nothing against you for this rating system. Actually, out of the ones I had heard of in the past (dorm rooms, fraternities, work, high school), yours is actually not that horrible.
That aside, I think emotion has a huge part to play in this discussion. Even with hollywood actors. If I like the personality of the characters that they play, I usually find them attractive and will make them my Celebrity Boyfriend. Take Peter Kraus in Six Feet Under. I love him. But most women adore Brad Pitt, I don't. I don't like the characters that he plays...and I don't think he is a good actor. Which also plays into what I found attractive when I was dating. I cared so much more for talent and intelligence. Most of the guys I dated were considered nerds or music nerds, but I liked that. And because of it, I found them, I am really digging back into the past here.
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