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Pirates vs. Ninjas. The age old debate. My friend, Matt S., is a firm advocate for ninjas. I favor pirates.
Here are some links which showcase the debate:
Ninja vs. Pirates Livejournal
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So why do I side with the swasbucklers over the secretive assassins?
Two reasons:
Style and Freedom
I mean, come on, which would you rather wear - a wild pirate hat, eyepatch, and lots of gold earrings or just a boring-black-even-covers-your-face body suit? Pirates pride themselves on their individuality. Want a talking bird for your shoulder? You got it! How about a peg leg or a hook to replace the one you lost in the tavern brawl last night? Go for it! All ninjas look alike. Yawn. No sense of style at all.
Ninjas are constricted by codes of loyalty and what not. Pirates are just out to have a good time. Ninjas serve a master. Pirates are their own master. Ninjas are never known by their real names. Pirates often have colorful names like Cap'n Carl Fancypants and Pirate Burt the Off-White and Capt'n Oddball the Stumbling Drunk. (Names courtesy of the Pirate Name Generator and this other Pirate Name Generator.)
It's just totally clear that Pirates are the only choice.

Picture of pirate found here. Check 'em out!
Pirates have panache, and are clearly theatrical and all about the style baby. I'll be honest I never understood the whole fascination with martial arts and ninja stuff. It seems so 80's to me.
Pirates have panache, and are clearly theatrical and all about the style baby. I'll be honest I never understood the whole fascination with martial arts and ninja stuff. It seems so 80's to me.
And pirates get drunk and repeat themselves.
Check out for a good pro-ninja argument.
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