A brief Rachel story...
Rachel has a doll that she named Sarah. Sarah is a African American doll. Rachel has never really commented on this. The rest of her dolls are white. And in fact, Sarah and another doll named Mary seem to alternate as Rachel's favorite. We figured Rachel was pretty much color blind when it came to her many dolls. She decided that Mary, for instance, is Sarah's older sister. We're pretty happy with this color blindness - in today's racially charged society, it'd be better for all of us if the next generation didn't think twice about the color of someone's skin. Well, anyway yesterday Rachel was playing with Sarah and telling her that she was going to have a new baby sister named Mickey very soon. Mickey is another of Rachel's dolls. She told Sarah very seriously that Mickey wouldn't look like her. Sharon and I were close by and I could tell we thinking the same thing - this was it, Rachel was going to finally note the difference in skin color and comment on it.
"She's not going to look you at all. You see, Sarah, Mickey is going to have a different dress and..."
Sharon and I started laughing. Rachel looked at us.
"What's so funny?"
I changed the subject by asking Rachel about the new baby named Mickey.
Stay color blind, Rachel.
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