Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Everyone hates hypocrites, right?

President Bush is fighting and fighting to save Terri Schiavo's life. If he believes so fervently that people should be kept alive even though there is no hope for recovery, why did he as Governor of the state of Texas, sign a bill that became Chapter 166 of the Texas Health and Safety Code? Basically it states that if hospitals disagree with parents or other surrogates over discontinuing treatment, an ethics committee must review the case. The ethics committee can then overrule the parents or surrogates and order the plug pulled.

And a week ago, amid all the Terri Schiavo hoopla, a six month old boy had his plug pulled over his parent's objections. Where was Congress and President Bush when this was going down? This isn't about saving a woman's life. It's all politics. Ugh.

All credit for this info goes to my friend, James.


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