$1 billion dollars
The Catholic Church has paid over one billion dollars for abuse case settlements and there's still more to come. So here is what I am wondering.... how much money does the Catholic Church has? Any chance this will bankrupt them? They deserve it. From the article:
"Patrick Schiltz, an attorney who has defended many dioceses in abuse cases, agreed bishops have a moral obligation to pay victims but said the size of the settlements is "getting out of hand.""
Whatever, Patrick. This isn't getting out of hand, it's not going far enough.
I realize that it's hard to turn your back on your religion, especially if you've followed the same one since you were too young to even understand what religion is, but I admit to not understanding how Catholics can have any faith in their church anymore. And mind you, I was raised Catholic and almost my entire family is still Catholic. So this one strikes close to home. I just don't get it. Is there anything more despicable than taking advantage of a child in the way these priests did? Especially when you consider their place in their community as a moral compass and spiritual leader. And this isn't a couple of bad apples, it's an epidemic that has run rampant through the entire church. The only reason it got to where it is today is because the church officials looked the other way - transferred priests to different parishes and pretended that nothing was happening. Those actions are almost more despicable than the molestation itself. Then you have to take into account the immediate reaction of the Vatican to the public airing of this epidemic. They wanted to deal with it internally and not have their priests face criminal charges. A cross does not make you immune to the law.
Now I'd lost faith in the church long before this scandal broke, but any glimmer of doubt I might have harbored concerning my decision is gone.
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