Monday, June 06, 2005

Medical Marijuana

The Supreme Court has ruled about the use of medical marijuana. Here's a news story about it. Let me state upfront that I am for the legalization of marijuana. If alcohol and cigarettes are legal, so should marijuana. I don't smoke cigarettes and I rarely drink. If pot were legal, I wouldn't smoke it. Still, I think it should be legal. I know that's unlikely to happen anytime soon.

What's interesting about this case is that it appears to kill the private growing of medicinal marijuana. The justices have not ruled marijuana illegal (which they don't have to, I suppose) so much as saying you can't grow your own. Now that effectively ends any chance of sick people getting it as there isn't a legal marijuana supply company out there. What I am wondering is can a drug company create marijuana in the states where medicinal marijuana is legal and distribute it?

I really think that even if they don't legalize marijuana, they ought to allow it just like any other prescription drug.


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