Sunday, June 12, 2005


Today is my one year blog-iversary. I have really enjoyed this forum and don't plan on slowing down. My first post was pretty, well, unremarkable, and it took me four days to make a second post, but eventually things started moving along.

I enjoyed blogging about the election even if the end result was extremely disappointing. I've enjoyed telling the stories about my kids. I've enjoyed the crazy internet quizzes. I've really enjoyed reading other people's blogs. The Iowa (mostly) blogiverse is a friendly cyber community and one that has so far been completely drama free, which is a welcome change. My Survivor blog was a lot of fun until the season got so spoiled, there was little left to say.

So what's in the future?

Well, I'll still be talking about current events if I find I have things to say. I may talk about my family a little more than I have. Lots more TV talk, I think. Lost, 24, Battlestar Galactica, American Idol... all of that will find its way to this little corner of the internet. And I'll definitely be writing about the theater, too. I am sure other subjects will come up, too. I might start talking more about what I've been reading lately. I enjoy fantasy novels, particulary George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. I also read a lot of plays so some thoughts about those might make their way onto this page. And I recently read a new translation of Gilgamesh, which was fantastic.

I think to start off Year Two with a bang, I'll follow Melissa's lead and do a 100 Things About Me list. I will start that in my next post.


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Name: Matt
Location: Coralville, IA
I am a Dad and a Husband. An Actor. An Administrator. A Hiker. A Writer. Probably a bunch of other things too. Read my blog and you'll find out more.
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