Stuck in the musical past
I was tagged ages ago for this meme, but completely forgot about it.
Post six of your current favourite songs, then tag six people to do it.
Current favorites (in no particular order and these will probably change tomorrow):
1) The Impossible Dream from Man of la Mancha
2) Defying Gravity from Wicked
3) For Good from Wicked
(I'm in a bit of a musical phase right now)
4) She's Got a Way by Billy Joel
5) American Pie by Don McLean
6) Hotel California by the Eagles
(Also in a bit of a classics phase)
I am not going to tag anyone specifically, but if you want to play, consider yourself tagged.
You know, I don't listen to music that much anymore. I can't remember the last time I actually just listened to music and did nothing else. The car is the place that I most often find time to listen. I am not at all up on the latest music although I listen to current music sometimes on the radio. It doesn't stick with me enough to remember the artist or the name of the song. I'll often learn the song itself and sing along, but as for who sings it? Enh. I don't care that much anymore. I suppose this is what happened to my parents who are stuck in the musical era of their youth. I always thought I'd stay current, keep listening to good music, and it's not that I think the current stuff is all bad and nobody makes good music anymore, but I just don't have the time and energy to devote to paying close attention.
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