Thursday, July 28, 2005

Ask Matt: Question Two

The second Ask Matt question is:

Given a dispute between labor and management, without knowing any details, whose side would you tend to be on, and why?

I suppose the easy way out of this question is to say, I wouldn't be on either side until I knew all the facts, but that's a cop out. So I'll just admit it. I am a management guy. I think the reason is that I identify with management more closely than labor. I am a Leo - we like being in charge. My personal management style is to lead by building consensus so I like to think I am not the dictatorial type. However, there are times when you need someone in charge to make the hard decision. I have the personality that willingly seeks out that job.

Now if we got into specifics about the common disagreements between labor and management, you'll probably find me acquiescing to labor's side. I don't believe in the exploitation of workers to make the company profitable. You make the company profitable by making it a place where workers want to work. They'll be more loyal, do better work, and everyone will benefit.

So there ya go. Not so much with the funny in this response, but what can you do.

I'll answer any question you can think of! Send your question to I am heading out of town for a week, so I expect to have a whole email box full of questions when I get back!


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