Monday, July 25, 2005

Training - Last time

On Saturday, I hiked for around 3 or 4 hours (seemed longer, but Sharon insists it was only three hours). It was scorchingly hot. Since I knew I had more time than my usual midweek hikes, I decided to take a different trail in addition to what I normally do. This was a smart move. I found a little cove with a sandy beach area that was completely deserted. I decided that after my hike was over, I'd return to this place and enjoy a swim.

I had added weight to my pack for this final day of training and I felt it. Modern day backpacks use a belt like contraption to place the weight of the pack onto your hips instead of your back. As a thin person, those two bones right at my hips (probably the upper part of the pelvis, although I don't know for sure) are not covered with a spongy layer of fat. So with enough weight and enough time spent hiking, that area gets raw and uncomfortable. I usually throw a towel in between my hip and the pack when hiking, but I didn't expect to need it while training. Ouch! In fact, as I feel that area today, it's still tender. I hiked a lot more than usual and overall I felt good. I did get a blister on my heel and have realized I need new socks for this year. The blister is healing quickly and should be gone by Saturday so I am not worried about that.

After the hike was over, I did get back to my little cove and enjoyed a dip in the Coralville Resovoir. I only wish I had discovered it earlier in my training!


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