Photoblog and others Iowa blogs
I found this photoblog while looking for Iowa bloggers. There are some really beautiful shots at Emillerphoto. Check it out.
Also found an Iowan with a blog called The Other Side. She's a UI graduate.
And here's one called The Dark Mirror. His description:
Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going in this Handbasket? The inner musing and thoughts of a Black American male. Be forewarned, it's not always pretty with cute puppies, flowers and bright sunny blue skies. Promoting better living through comedy.
And here's one called Babies are Fireproof which claims to be the unofficial backroom of the Iowa mafia. Please. My name's Falduto - a real Iowa mafia would include this Italian.
How about the Kitty Voice by Dawn Frary? Does Denny have a daughter?
I may edit in some more as my search continues.
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