Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Mr. F***ing Mom?

Okay, this annoys the hell out of me. A reality show from NBC called Meet Mister Mom premieres on August 2. I know NBC is desperate since they fell to fourth in the ratings, but talk about a show that is 20 years too late. It was kind of funny when Michael Keaton did it in the 80s, but these days Dads find it offensive to be called a "Mr. Mom". We're Dads and we're perfectly capable of handling ourselves in the home. We're the rule. That Mr. Mom stereotype that's going to exploited on this brain drain of a television show is the exception to the rule. Dads have come a long way, baby. I'm sending an email.

Well, I was going to send an email, but apparently NBC doesn't care enough about its viewers' opinions to make it easy to offer comments. There's a drop down menu for NBC's shows, but Meet Mister Mom isn't on the list. There's also a link that says "Want to offer opinions about NBC shows?" If you click on that, NBC snookers you into joining a viewer's panel, the first step of which is to fill out a long survey which asks personal information and how often you watch particular shows. I was hoping after the survey was complete, I'd then be invited to offer an opinion. Nope. Bascially, they used my desire to comment about one of their shows as a way to get me to fill out a marketing survey for them. Bastards.

I did email my local affiliate, but it's not like they're going to be able to do anything.

Edited to add that Rebel Dad is all over this show too.


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