Rock Star INXS
I've been meaning to write about this show since it premiered last week. I am really enjoying it. I admit that I don't care who ends up the lead singer for INXS. It's just a lot of fun to watch a rock show every week with lots of different performers singing songs that I love. On American Idol, I often had no idea what song I was hearing. For this show, there's been one or two songs over two weeks that I didn't recognize. I guess I just like rock music more than pop. No real surprise there.
One of the interesting parts of the show is that the rockers have to work it out among themselves who gets which song from that week's list. This could get ugly as time goes on and the rockers are feeling more pressure.
My favorite at this point is JD.

He performed California Dreaming last week and Hand in my Pocket this week. For both songs, he wrote a new arrangement and transformed the music into something original and fantastic. Especially Pocket this week. I have never been a big fan of Alanis Morissette's version, but I'd listen to JD's any day.
However, JD also put his foot in his mouth after the singing was over. One of the members of INXS said that it seemed like JD more than anyone else has his eye on the prize. JD responded by dissing his fellow contestants, "While they’re learning the INXS songs, I know them because I love them." He said he didn't mean to diss them, but of course, that's exactly what he did. Not cool, JD. You should have taken the compliment and kept your mouth shut. I bet he has a hard time getting the song he wants next week.
Other rockers who have stood out included:

Heather, the long legged tattooed red head with an amazing voice. She grew up sleeping in a guitar case as the daughter of musicians. It's clearly her whole life;

and Ty of the mohawk and muscles who has an amazing voice and stage presence. Unfortunately, for Ty the band told him this week that he looked more like a solo act than a frontman for a band. I think Ty has a good chance of getting record deal no matter what happens. He's got a look and incredible talent.
And the moron of the week for this show was... Neal!

Last week, INXS told him to choose something more melodic. He chose Summer of '69 by Bryan Adams. Great song and it definitely has melodic potential. Unfortunately, moronic Neal shouted the entire song and gave no evidence that he understands the meaning of melodic. One of the INXS band members asked him if he felt like he'd done what they asked him to do. Neal's oblivious response:
"I thought so. I really rocked it, didn't I?"
Moron. Still, I don't really want him to get booted yet. I enjoyed his other performance.
The two worst performers this week:

Jessica, who butchered a Jimi Hendrix song, and Deanna, who didn't want to sing the REM song she got and it showed.
I wouldn't mind seeing either one of them go home.
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