Wednesday, June 29, 2005

More training

Sami and I hiked again today. I called it the Linder Point Trail, but actually what I was walking was the Woodpecker Nature Trail and the Squire Point Trail. Here's a map of the trails:

Sami didn't enjoy it very much at first. She grumped a little bit and then I guess settled in okay. Shadow had fun again, although he was really tired after today's hike. Moreso than Monday's hike, I think. I felt better after today's hike than I did on Monday. Both hikes were about the same - 4 miles or so. I tried attaching an eight pound weight to the backpack to better simulate how much weight I'll be carrying on the Appalachian Trail (AT), but it kept banging into the backpack as I walked. So I just carried the 20 pounds of Sami.


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