Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Nine Years

Nine years is a long time. Sure, it's not 25 years. Or even 15. But still. Nine years is not something you to sneeze at.

Sharon and I were married nine years ago today. When I think of everything I have accomplished in the last nine years, I realize that none of it would have been possible without Sharon's support, feedback, and love.

So anyway, in the spirit of our anniversary, here are the top ten moments from our wedding:

10) Taking overly dramatic and somewhat silly pictures on the lawn outside the church.
9) Uncle Wally's crazy singing and dancing.
8) The fact that our families did so much of the behind the scenes stuff that we didn't have to focus on too much more than getting married.
7) Sharon finding out directly after the ceremony that her boss had quit meaning it was possible she'd get promoted.
6) Saying our vows, which we wrote together.
5) Matt S.'s trumpet playing.
4) Getting the Big Pig as a wedding present from our friends.
3) Dieter walking to the altar with the little stuffed pig Pygmalion in his pocket.
2) Making my entire family raise a glass to my friend Carter who had passed away a few months earlier.

And the number one moment from our wedding was...

1) When the Unity Candle almost went out and then I glared at it and it came back to life.


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