Monday, November 28, 2005

Rain Forest update

State 29 has a round up of the latest news on the ridiculous rain forest project. You can also check out Dweeze's position.

Basically, the rain forest folks (i.e. David Oman and Robery Ray) have been talking to Dubuque since September, which they'd previously said they hadn't done. So they lied. I know, big shock. Also, they sent a letter to Coralville with more demands (more land and assurances that Coralville can raise something like $40 million) and insisted they get a response by December 2, which is what? Two weeks later? Never mind the fact that they ignored Coralville's request for a timetable and detailed plans by a certain deadline. If Coralville bows to these idiots, there's no way the City Council members will be running unopposed next time. Hell, I'll run for City Council myself. This debacle is has gone on long enough. I don't see how any of these Council members can look at themselves in the mirror if they let Oman and Ray walk all over them like this.


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