Sunday, December 18, 2005

It is time to impeach

When I heard about that George Bush had illegally authorized the use of wiretaps on American citizens, I was not surprised. But as the days have gone by, I have grown more and more angry. This is not America. This is not how our leader is supposed to act. He has used his mouthpiece Condoleezza Rice to put forth the opinion that he has authority as commander in chief to do this. He does not. He is not a king; he is a president. There is no authority to break the law. Checks and balances are the key component to our government. Plus, the way things are set up now, he can wiretap first and ask for permission later, up to 72 hours after he has acted. The fact is there was no reason to do this. What this shows is what many have believed for a long time - we have a megalomaniac in the White House who believes he is above the law. He is not. If you are an American, if you believe in the principles of this country, you cannot support what George Bush has done. You simply cannot. There is no wavering, no equivocating, to steal a line from the man himself, you are either for America or against America.

And if you're for America, you are against George Bush.


At 7:22 PM, October 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
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At 7:23 PM, October 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done! |


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