Saturday, January 14, 2006

A real post

Today was Sami's second birthday. She's getting to be such a big girl. She can talk up a storm these days. And she's actually started working on potty training. A life without diapers lies ahead - the end is in sight! She is doing one thing that's aggravating: she's a total momma's girl. Which wouldn't be so bad at all except that it means Daddy is a second class citizen. One of her favorite phrases is "Mommy do!" These words are said whenever I try to put on a shoe, change her clothes, get her a glass of milk, whatever. Daddy isn't allowed to do anything if Mommy is anywhere around. Mind you, Mommy is not thrilled by this turn of events either. And I admit it has gotten me out of a few diaper changes, so it's not all bad. But I long for the day when Sami is more like Rachel who sees me as "Daddy, the guy who can do know wrong and knows the answer to everything". Until she goes to school next fall of course.

In other news, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the fact that I have a very good mother-in-law. Everyone's heard the stories of the terrible mother-in-laws. I lucked out and ended up with a really nice one. As an example, we no longer get the Sci-Fi channel, which means I can't watch Battlestar Galactica anymore. If you've followed this blog for any length of time, you know how much I love that show. My mother-in-law mentions today when she was visiting for Sami's birthday that she's been taping the episodes for me. That's the kind of thoughtful person she is.

Speaking of TV, 24 starts tomorrow and apparently the first ten minutes are totally shocking. I am pretty certain we're going to see a familiar face get killed before the first commercial. I like that they're starting the season with a two nights of two hours each. It's a great way to get things moving fast.

American Idol begins on Tuesday. The first episodes are sometimes fun, but not really appointment television. When they get to Hollywood and all the terrible singers are gone, then things start moving. Rachel is excited about it. She was a huge Bo Bice fan last year, if you recall. I think he was her first celebrity crush. Although it wasn't really a crush since she was four. And she doesn't like boys. At all. Not gonna play with them, she tells me.

Other news... I like my job a lot. So that's good. I especially like the money we're bringing home. It's nice to be a two full time income family again.

And things are starting to get interesting for Dreamwell. Can't say too much, but suffice it to say I think it's going to be a really cornerturning year.

So that's my update. Waa hoo.


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