Monday, February 20, 2006

Poll results...

Well, Let's look at the results of the poll:

Political stuff -- 2 votes
More posts about kids! -- 5 votes
Gimme more Reality TV posts! -- 4 votes
Deep philosophical issues. -- 4 votes
Theater anecdotes. -- 6 votes
How about you hire a guest blogger who's actually funny? -- 2 votes

Looks like most people want me to write about the kids and theater. Which is interesting, since I probably write more about other things! I haven't written too many theater anecdotes and I think that's mostly because I am still so involved in theater. I think I need to have some distance before I can really write about it. But maybe I'll give it a try and see what happens. Sorry to see the political stuff didn't get that many votes because you're kind of stuck with that. I'm going to keep writing about it but feel free to glaze over it. As for the people who think I ought to hire a funnier blogger, well, I wouldn't mind having a guest blogger so any volunteers? Nelle, you don't have a blog, do you? Want to be a guest blogger here for a week?


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Location: Coralville, IA
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