Thursday, February 16, 2006

A day off

Snow day! Well, actually sleet-thunder-lightning day. It's nice to work for an educational institution that closes for inclement weather. Sharon also didn't make it in to work since the weather people said "If you do not absolutely have to drive anywhere today, don't." She really wanted to go in to work, but I pointed out that I'd rather she live through the day than leave me alone with the two ragamuffins.

Anyway, we spent the day enjoying being home today.

Right now, Sharon is playing with Rachel and Sami and the dollhouse. Rachel loves American Idol and has decided that the dollhouse is apparently the American Idol set. They have lined up three judges and each doll sings and then is told whether they made it to Hollywood or not. Sharon's doll went first and as soon as she started singing, Sami shouted "No! No!"

She's a tough critic.

Rachel's song:

Rainbows are so great
Rainbows never stop talking
Even though they don't talk

Deep, huh?

Now the Granpa doll is singing "New York, New York". I thought he was too old for American Idol.

And here's Wags the Dog. His song:

Ruff, ruff
Ruff, ruff.

Amazingly, Wags made it to Hollywood.


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