Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The real Cheney news story

Last night poor Sharon innocently noted that our vice-president shot a fellow hunter in Texas. I say poor Sharon because I then unloaded with all the aggravation I've been feeling since Sunday. Want to know what was aggravating me? The stupid media is focusing on what is essentially a minor story when compared to the bigger vice-presidential story. The guy Cheney shot didn't die. It was an accident. So what if they didn't tell the media about it for 22 hours. Who cares? I swear listening to the reporters grill Scott McClellan about not notifying them made me crazy. Get over yourselves, guys.

And the part of this whole thing that really made me mad is that they were ignoring the real story - Scooter Libby told the special counsel that his superiors instructed him to release classified information. When you're VP's chief of staff, you only have one superior - the VP. This means Cheney may very well have broken the law. That's news, people. That's what should be covered 24-7. The good news is we do have some politicians talking about it. Howard Dean, of course, is calling for Cheney to step down if the allegation is true. More importantly, however,is Republican Senator George Allen saying this should be investigated. Hopefully, we'll see more Republicans stepping forward and putting pressure on Cheney to answer the charges.


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