Friday, February 03, 2006


SideNotes tagged me so here goes...

Four jobs I've had:

1. Arbys Night Manager

2. Associate Jeweler at Hands in downtown Iowa City

3. Speed and Comprehension Reading Teacher

4. Test scorer for NCS Pearson

Four movies I can watch over and over:

1. Stand By Me

2. Aliens

3. Empire Strikes Back

4. Aladdin

Four places I've lived:

1. Glendale Heights, IL

2. Dekalb, IL

3. Coralville

4. Iowa City

Four TV shows I love:

1. Survivor

2. How I Met Your Mother

3. 24

4. Battlestar Galactica

(How I Met Your Mother is the best situation comedy since the early seasons of Friends. In fact, it's better.)

Four highly-touted TV shows I detest:

1. Dr. Phil is the only one I can come up with. I don't detest easily.




Four books I'd recommend to anyone, anytime:

1. Where the Red Fern Grows

2. The Stand

3. Ulssyses even though I know 95% of the people wouldn't try it.

4. Harry Potter books

Four places I've vacationed:

1. San Francisco Bay area

2. Appalachian Trail (using the word vacation somewhat liberally...)

3. Family cottage in Michigan

4. New Orleans... before

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Lasagna

2. Stuffed shells

3. Rare steak

4. Any kind of meat with KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce on it

Four sites I visit daily:

1. Bloglines (like SideNotes, that's where I read everybody's blogs and read the news)

2. Survivor websites like SurvivorBlows and my supersecret messageboard



Four places I would rather be right now:

1. On a cruise with my wife, kids and a nanny

2. Playing poker

3. On the stage in Dreamwell's new space

4. Hiking the Appalachian Trail assuming it was warmer than it is right now

Four bloggers I am tagging:

1. CrapFlingingMonkey

2. Sharon

3. State 29 just to see if I can get him (them) to do this sort of post

4. Purple Fish Guts


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Name: Matt
Location: Coralville, IA
I am a Dad and a Husband. An Actor. An Administrator. A Hiker. A Writer. Probably a bunch of other things too. Read my blog and you'll find out more.
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