Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Help me out?

I have stated before that I consider myself an Independent. I do not favor either party and in fact wish we had a viable third option. (Green party supporters please note the word “viable”.) I look at the politician’s integrity, intelligence, stated positions and then, most importantly, his or her actions, and decide whether or not to support him or her based on that.

Right now President Bush’s support is at an all time low. Still, he had a lot of support in the past. In my view, based on the actions he’s taken, I think he’s the worst president of my lifetime. As I look back over the past few years, I can think of one moment when I thought George Bush did something right. And that was the moment he stood atop the wreckage of the World Trade Center with his arm around the firefighter and told the world we would fight back. Cynics may call that a photo op, but he did the right thing at that moment, which was bring a nation together and tell them we’d be all right.

But that’s all I got. So. I am asking those Bush supporters that out there (Hi Homercles and the Tusk and Talon gang!) to help me out. Could you please list the actions President Bush has taken in the last six years that were good for this country? I am ready to read with an open mind.

Oh and if any Bush detractors want to play devil’s advocate, feel free to do that as well.


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