Goodbye Mandisa
Mandisa was kicked off American Idol last night as predicted. She was the first of the top 12 that was booted who had a chance of actually going far. But she chose some bad songs the last couple of weeks and her performances were not as good as we'd seen previously so it wasn't a complete shock. Plus, she probably lost the gay vote because of a comment she made last week.
"This song goes out to everybody who wants to be free. Your addiction, lifestyle and situation may be big, but God is bigger."
Using the word lifestyle lead to a bunch of people on the internet wondering whether she was subtly bashing gays. And then it was pointed out that homophobic author Beth Moore was Mandisa's "American Idol". Whether or not Mandisa actually agrees with Moore's homophobic views is unknown. However, it seems possible the suggestion of that, true or not, contributed to her demise this week.
(There's a great post about the whole controversy here. MJ's Big Blog is a great source for AI news.)
All I know is I didn't appreciate being "blessed" by Mandisa at the end of show last night. Ob-NOX-ious.
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