Monday, May 08, 2006

Still missing her...

Rachel told me tonight that she misses Great Grandma, who passed away March 1. It was the first time Rachel had ever had to deal with the death of someone she knew. Tonight I told her a story about Great Grandma and that seemed to help. She told she remembered Great Grandma wore a blue dress at the funeral. I didn't remember that, but I don't doubt her. She wondered if she was wearing shoes and I told her I thought she was. Rachel said she that she was wearing shoes, too.

It's suprising to me what a big impact Great Grandma's death has had on my little girl. They weren't that close; we didn't see Great Grandma nearly as often as we should have. I think she's probably dealing more with the idea of death than this specific loss.

There is a momento of Great Grandma's waiting for us at my mom's house - the binoculars. When I was a kid, one of my favorite things to do at Grandma's apartment was look out the window with the binoculars. Grandma lived on the 17th floor and the view was incredible. Not that long ago, my mom took Rachel to visit Great Grandma and the one thing she couldn't wait to tell me about later was how she got to look out Great Grandma's windows with these really cool binoculars. I told her I had used those same binoculars when I was a little kid. We shared the same memory, only twenty five years apart. My mom managed to get the binoculars for us and we're both looking forward to taking that momento home with us.


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