Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Working out

I have never been an "exerciser". I've never "worked out". Every spring for the last few years, I have prepared for my annual hiking trip by hiking the hills around here with a lot of weight on my back. And I do exercises to build up strength in my knees. But that's about it. This year, I have had access to my work's rec center. There's a large indoor track, lots of machines, a weight room, and basketball courts. With this new job, it's hard to find time to get out to the woods for the hiking training, but I can fit in a half hour or so at the Rec Center three times each week. So I've been running. I have always enjoyed running. Back in high school, lo those many years ago, I ran a six minute mile. It's been slow going getting back into running shape though. My first time out a few weeks ago, I could only run 3/4 mile. Last week I ran a mile and timed myself at right around ten minutes. Today I decided to push myself and ran a mile in 8 minutes. Not too shabby. I've also been strengthening my legs with one of the machines. I am really enjoying it, too. I have always enjoyed doing physical stuff within certain paremeters. Playing football with my nephews and brothers is a lot of fun. Hiking the AT, of course, is satisfying. I'll never be a jock (ha!), but I do enjoy exploring that side of me from time to time. With the rec center so convenient (not to mention free!), I may keep working out past my hike this year. As I get older, it's more important than ever to get into shape.


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Name: Matt
Location: Coralville, IA
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