Thursday, May 04, 2006

Snappity snap

Rachel learned how to snap her fingers the other day. She is quite proud of this accomplishment. She told her daycare teacher about it, who was quite impressed with her. In fact, today when Rachel showed up, the teacher asked her how the snapping is going and requested a demonstration which Rachel was happy to provide. And that's what teachers are supposed to do. Show an interest in the kids in their class. It's not hard at all and it means the world to the kids, helps them to feel happy and secure, and leads to better learning. I mentioned in a previous post how unhappy I've been with Rachel's preschool. The fact is, in two years, Rachel has not bonded with either teacher. And I have talked to the teachers about this in a very non-threatening way. Just asked them to talk to Rachel, draw her out, etc. They're just not really good at that. I have also encouraged Rachel to reach out to the teachers. For instance, with this snapping thing, I suggested she tell the teachers about it. She said she didn't want to and she's just going to tell her two good friends. I know she learns things at preschool, but I worry that she doesn't get how fun school can be. And how a teacher can be someone you look up to. Sometimes I wish I had gotten this job earlier so we'd have discovered the onsite daycare early enough for Rachel to have gone there the whole time.

But still. Snappity snap. Next on Rachel's agenda: learning to whistle.


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