Wednesday, June 21, 2006


When I was a kid, I had strep throat many times. We talked about removing the tonsils but never actually did it and I guess it's a bigger deal to remove an adult's tonsils than it is to remove a kid's. I don't know why. Anyway, I haven't had strep throat in ... I don't know how many years. I think the last time was probably before I got married. I have had serious sore throats. It seems like that's the first thing that happens to my body when I don't get enough sleep, get too much stress or whatever. It's my weak point, my throat is.

Rachel was sick this morning with a sore throat and fever and lo and behold, she has strep. She's got meds and movies and is snuggled into the couch with her teddy bear. Hopefully, it won't be too bad for her. Her tonsils are huge, but she isn't complaining too much. My big girl.

This means I get a day off from work. Which isn't good for work as my emails tell me two other people are out sick. I feel bad about not being there, but when you got a sick kid, whatcha gonna do? Sharon will stay home with Rachel tomorrow and she may be better by Friday - we'll just have to wait and see. We try to keep the sickie duty even for the sake of both of our workplaces.

I guess this means I can catch up on my blogging and such. I have some pictures from the AT hike that I'd like to scan and post. And I want to write about the FCC's outrageous indecency fines. So this may be a prolific blogging day. But first...



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Name: Matt
Location: Coralville, IA
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