Tuesday, September 05, 2006

No coat!

Days like this are not my favorite. It's cold in the morning, but will get warmer in the afternoon so a jacket first thing makes sense, but by eleven a.m. you've shed it. Rachel insisted she didn't need a jacket today. I might have given in, but she has the startings of a cold and I don't want to do anything to exacerbate it. So we argued. And argued. And it finally came out that she didn't want to wear a jacket because the others kids wouldn't be wearing them. It's Kindergarten and she's already worried about fitting in with her peers! I thought I had another year or two before that nonsense started. Not that that's really nonsense. I felt for her, I did. I remember arguing with my mom over wearing a jacket or more often a hat. And I can't count the number of times I'd wear a hat when I left the house and take it off after I'd cleared our block. Since Rachel gets driven to school, she doesn't have that option. So I get it. I do. I remember.

She still has to wear the jacket. I did let her pick which one she wanted to wear. And when she put it on, she defiantly pushed up the sleeves and glared at me. Which made me smile, actually. I do like that my kid has the steel in her to fight back a little bit.

And when we got to school some kids had jackets and some kids did not. I wish her friend Grace had a jacket on, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. I guess I'll just have to live with the fact that I am the meanest dad this side of Holiday Road.


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