Tuesday, August 08, 2006

First comes love...

2006-07 is turning into the year of the wedding. We've got two weddings in back to back weekends in September. And we just found out last night that there's a wedding on the horizon for an old college friend who's marrying the girl he had a crush on in high school. So 06-07 (I think in school years now that I'm working at a college) is the year of the wedding. And you know what that means...

2007-08 will be the year of the baby.

Speaking of babies, I met my niece Nora last Saturday. She's a cutie. I got plenty of babytime and discovered holding, burping and feeding a baby are bicycle skills - you never forget how to do it. Hanging out with that little munchkin made me realize just how big my kids are. Sammi is the "baby" in our family, but she's definitely no baby! Rachel was fascinated by Nora. She held her, fed her and played with her as much as you can with a two month old baby. For her part, Nora seemed very interested in Rachel. I look forward to three or so years from now, when Rachel will be leading her younger sister and cousin in some game she has devised.


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Location: Coralville, IA
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